
Immunoxan dog 60 tablets


Immunoxan dog is a complementary feed for puppies and adult dogs, especially those requiring  stimulating in immune system: during vaccinations, during or after antibiotic treatment, and in states of recurrent infections. Immunoxan dog may also be administered as a dietary supplement in order to properly support the dog during a period of changing temperatures and seasons.



Composition of Immunoxan dog

The ingredients in Immunoxan dog supplement your dog’s diet and stimulate a faster build-up of post-vaccination immunity.

β 1/3-1/6 d-glucan is a natural stimulator of the dog’s immune system. Its use increases the levels of IgG and IgA class antibodies in the serum. It is a stimulator of post-vaccination immunity.

A 200-fold concentration of aloe vera juice is considered a biological activator of the immune system. This ingredient has an immunomodulating effect on the parameters of the humoral and cellular immune response.


Vaccinating your dog – why should you support nutrition during this period?

No one doubts that a dog’s diet has a direct impact on its well-being, health and immunity. Proper nutrition is very important at the time of your pet’s vaccination, when special attention must be paid to strengthening your dog’s condition and the functioning of its immune system.

Vaccination involves the introduction of small quantities of specific pathogens that are devoid of virulence or immunogenic fragments. After vaccination, the dog’s immune system has to produce antibodies. Therefore, vaccination puts a strain on the body and it is important to prepare your dog for vaccination. Apart from deworming (7 days before vaccination), the vet will examine the pet before administering the vaccine. Disease or weakness due to a disease, dehydration, malnutrition or exhaustion (e.g. caused by stress) are the main contraindications for vaccination.


How to stimulate your dog’s immunity?

A decrease in immunity is rarely easy to observe. Your dog will often show a number of non-specific symptoms such as fever, melancholy/depression, reluctance to eat, lethargy and so on. Sometimes the dog also does not want to eat. It is important to remember that the lack of appetite is not synonymous with low immunity and may be caused by a number of other conditions. In such a situation, it is worth consulting your vet.

The easiest and best way to boost your dog’s natural immunity is through a tailored diet supplemented with immunostimulants such as Immunoxan dog.


Recurrent infections of a dog – what should you do?

If your dog is constantly ill, you should definitely visit a vet. If the vet detects a bacterial infection of your dog, it may be necessary to administer an antibiotic. This intervention, although justified, in the long run may disturb the dog’s immune system through a negative impact on its microbiome. In addition, the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance among bacteria can result in the ineffectiveness of antibiotic treatment. During and after antibiotic treatment, your dog’s body and immune system should be strengthened. Your vet may prescribe Immunoxan dog, which contains substances that will modulate the immune response of your pet.

Immunoprophylaxis in the form of vaccinations is also important. The ingredients of the Immunoxan dog preparation accelerate the formation of post-vaccination immunity parameters.

Stimulation of the immunity using the ingredients of Immunoxan dog may result in a reduction of the frequency of infections of your dog. A healthy dog is also a happy dog, with which the owner can indulge in travel and long walks.

Recomended portion

Body weight cat < 5 kg 5 – 10 kg 11 – 15 kg 16 – 20 kg 21 – 25 kg > 25 kg
Daily portion 0.5 tablet 1 tablet 1.5 tablets 2 tablets 2.5 tablets 3 tablets